
Dallas Criminal Record Clearing


Having a criminal record can reduce your chance of getting a job offer by 50%.1

1. Binyamin Applebaum. Out of Trouble, but Criminal Records Keep Men Out of Work, NYTimes.com, February 28, 2015.

Dallas Expungement Lawyer

It’s no secret that criminal charges can have long-lasting effects on your chances of getting a job, obtaining professional licenses, getting a mortgage, renting an apartment, adopting children, and more.

What most Texans don’t know is that even if a Dallas charge was dismissed or a person was found not guilty, the arrest and charge stay on their criminal record forever.

This is where legal remedies like record expunction and orders of nondisclosure can provide life-changing help.

What is Criminal Record Expunction?

Commonly referred to as expungement, expunction is a legal process that allows a person to completely remove or destroy any records of a previous criminal offense. Expunction is usually available for criminal charges that were dismissed, acquitted, or resolved through court-ordered pretrial diversion programs.

For an expansive overview of Texas expunction law, see the Texas expunction statute here or read our Texas Expungement Guide.

What is an Order of Nondisclosure?

An order of nondisclosure is a legal strategy and filing that allows for the sealing of certain arrest records. When records are sealed they are only visible to certain state agencies. These agencies are required to seal the records and may not disseminate the information to private employers, lenders, or the public.

For a detailed overview of Texas nondisclosure law, review the Texas nondisclosure statute here or browse our Texas Nondisclosure Guide.

How Does Expungement & Nondisclosure Work in Dallas?

Expunctions and nondisclosures in Dallas typically work the same way. First, your Dallas expungement lawyer will file a petition for expunction of records is filed with the civil district clerk. Although the original case was a criminal charge, all expunctions are civil lawsuits that need to be filed in civil court.

The petition for expunction will meet certain technical requirements and include a request for the judge to order destruction of your criminal records.

After the petition is filed and the filing fee is paid at the Dallas County Clerk’s office, the petition will be served upon the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office. The State will have an opportunity to oppose your expunction and will file documents accordingly.

If the State chooses to oppose your expunction, there will likely be more back and forth before the court sets the hearing. If there is no opposition, the court will set your case for hearing. At the hearing, the judge will decide whether to grant your requested relief. When you hire a Dallas expungement attorney, you do NOT have to go to court. Your attorney will handle all of this for you.

If the judge rules in your favor, your lawyer will file the court’s order with the court clerk and request service upon every State agency suspected to have a record of your arrest.

How Can a Dallas Expungement Lawyer Help You?

#1. Eligibility Determination

The crucial first step in expunction or nondisclosure is determining if you’re eligible. If you petition the court for relief and you are not eligible, you could lose several hundred dollars in filing fees (and a lot of time). Your Dallas record clearing attorney will research your record and any applicable laws before filing your petition.

#2. Drafting & Filing of Legal Documents

Petitions for expunction and (especially) nondisclosure are known to have “hyper-technical” requirements. It’s not uncommon for the State to oppose an expunction or nondisclosure if the smallest detail is not included in the petition. An experienced record clearing attorney can ensure that your documents are drafted correctly so your case will be granted without the needs for corrections and subsequent hearings. We’ll also file the petition in the court office.

#3. Service of the Order Upon State Agencies

If even the judge gives a favorable ruling, the case is not over. The court’s order needs to be served upon State agencies with records of your criminal charge so they know to seal or destroy those records. Your Dallas attorney will do all of that for you.

How Much Does an Expunction Cost in Dallas, TX?

Depending on the complexity of the case, expungements in Dallas can cost anywhere between $1,500 and $3,500 plus filing fees. Most cases are on the lower end of this range. Give us a call to get a free quote for your case.

Article Written By:

Eric Ramos

Dallas Expunction Attorney

Dallas Expungement Lawyer
Texas Expungement Guide

What Courts Do We Clear Records In?

We represent clients for expunctions and orders of nondisclosure in the following Dallas Courts. If your court is not listed here, we still may be able to help. Call us at (844) 282-6511.

Dallas County Criminal Courthouse

Dallas County Criminal Courthouse

Address: 133 N Riverfront Blvd # 10, Dallas, TX 75207

Phone: (214) 653-5605

Dallas Municipal Court

Dallas Municipal Court

Dallas Municipal Court

2014 Main St, Dallas, TX 75201

Phone: (214) 670-0109

Dallas Criminal Record Clearing

Having a criminal record can reduce your chance of getting a job offer by 50%.1

1. Binyamin Applebaum. Out of Trouble, but Criminal Records Keep Men Out of Work, NYTimes.com, February 28, 2015.

Dallas Expungement Lawyer

It’s no secret that criminal charges can have long-lasting effects on your chances of getting a job, obtaining professional licenses, getting a mortgage, renting an apartment, adopting children, and more.

What most Texans don’t know is that even if a Dallas charge was dismissed or a person was found not guilty, the arrest and charge stay on their criminal record forever.

This is where legal remedies like record expunction and orders of nondisclosure can provide life-changing help.

What is Criminal Record Expunction?

Commonly referred to as expungement, expunction is a legal process that allows a person to completely remove or destroy any records of a previous criminal offense. Expunction is usually available for criminal charges that were dismissed, acquitted, or resolved through court-ordered pretrial diversion programs.

For an expansive overview of Texas expunction law, see the Texas expunction statute here or read our Texas Expungement Guide.

What is an Order of Nondisclosure?

An order of nondisclosure is a legal strategy and filing that allows for the sealing of certain arrest records. When records are sealed they are only visible to certain state agencies. These agencies are required to seal the records and may not disseminate the information to private employers, lenders, or the public.

For a detailed overview of Texas nondisclosure law, review the Texas nondisclosure statute here or browse our Texas Nondisclosure Guide.

How Does Expungement & Nondisclosure Work in Dallas?

Expunctions and nondisclosures in Dallas typically work the same way. First, your Dallas expungement lawyer will file a petition for expunction of records is filed with the civil district clerk. Although the original case was a criminal charge, all expunctions are civil lawsuits that need to be filed in civil court.

The petition for expunction will meet certain technical requirements and include a request for the judge to order destruction of your criminal records.

After the petition is filed and the filing fee is paid at the Dallas County Clerk’s office, the petition will be served upon the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office. The State will have an opportunity to oppose your expunction and will file documents accordingly.

If the State chooses to oppose your expunction, there will likely be more back and forth before the court sets the hearing. If there is no opposition, the court will set your case for hearing. At the hearing, the judge will decide whether to grant your requested relief. When you hire a Dallas expungement attorney, you do NOT have to go to court. Your attorney will handle all of this for you.

If the judge rules in your favor, your lawyer will file the court’s order with the court clerk and request service upon every State agency suspected to have a record of your arrest.

How Can a Dallas Expungement Attorney Help You?

#1. Eligibility Determination

The crucial first step in expunction or nondisclosure is determining if you’re eligible. If you petition the court for relief and you are not eligible, you could lose several hundred dollars in filing fees (and a lot of time). Your Dallas record clearing attorney will research your record and any applicable laws before filing your petition.

#2. Drafting & Filing of Legal Documents

Petitions for expunction and (especially) nondisclosure are known to have “hyper-technical” requirements. It’s not uncommon for the State to oppose an expunction or nondisclosure if the smallest detail is not included in the petition. An experienced record clearing attorney can ensure that your documents are drafted correctly so your case will be granted without the needs for corrections and subsequent hearings. We’ll also file the petition in the court office.

#3. Service of the Order Upon State Agencies

If even the judge gives a favorable ruling, the case is not over. The court’s order needs to be served upon State agencies with records of your criminal charge so they know to seal or destroy those records. Your Dallas attorney will do all of that for you.

How Much Does an Expunction Cost in Dallas, TX?

Depending on the complexity of the case, expungements in Dallas can cost anywhere between $1,500 and $3,500 plus filing fees. Most cases are on the lower end of this range. Give us a call to get a free quote for your case.

Article Written By:

Eric Ramos

Dallas Expunction Attorney

Dallas Expungement Lawyer
Texas Expungement Guide

What Courts Do We Clear Records In?

We represent clients for expunctions and orders of nondisclosure in the following City of Dallas and Dallas County Courts. If your court is not listed here, we still may be able to help. Call us at (844) 282-6511.

Dallas County Criminal Courthouse

Dallas County Criminal Courthouse

Dallas County Criminal Courthouse


Address: 133 N Riverfront Blvd # 10, Dallas, TX 75207

Phone: (214) 653-5605

Dallas Municipal Court

Dallas Municipal Court

Dallas Municipal Court

2014 Main St, Dallas, TX 75201

Phone: (214) 670-0109

Why Choose Us?

5-Star Rated AttorneyS

Our expunction attorneys have served thousands of Texas clients and we have over 200 five-star reviews on Google.


The amount we quote you is all you pay.


Money Back Guarantee

If we are unable to obtain the order of expunction or nondisclosure, we’ll refund every penny you paid us (minus filing fees paid to the court).

Recent Record Clearing Results

Every case is different. Take our free eligibility test to find out if your record can be cleared.

Downtown San Antonio, TX

San Antonio, TX


Offense Level: Felony

San Antonio, TX Downtown

San Antonio, TX

Drug Possession

Offense Level: Misdemeanor

Texas State Capitol Building in Austin

Austin, TX


Offense Level: Misdemeanor

“Clearing your record is one of the best investments you can make in your future.”

– Eric Ramos,  Dallas, TX Expunction Attorney

clear the path to a brighter future

Find Our if You’re Eligible for Expunction or Nondisclosure

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